May 16, 2020
THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 8 – Exposing the Spirit of Antichrist (Part 1)
Series: The Unshakable Kingdom
P A R T 8 :
E X P O S I N G T H E S P I R I T O F A N T I C H R I S T ( P A R T 1 )
E X P O S I N G T H E S P I R I T O F A N T I C H R I S T ( P A R T 1 )
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. - 1 John 4:3
The Christian church in America continues to look for the Antichrist who is coming instead of learning how to recognize the spirit of antichrist that is already here-- and actively at work in our government. When will we wake up?
- May 16, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 8 – Exposing the Spirit of Antichrist (Part 1)
May 16, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 8 – Exposing the Spirit of Antichrist (Part 1)Series: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 8 :
E X P O S I N G T H E S P I R I T O F A N T I C H R I S T ( P A R T 1 )And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. - 1 John 4:3The Christian church in America continues to look for the Antichrist who is coming instead of learning how to recognize the spirit of antichrist that is already here-- and actively at work in our government. When will we wake up? - May 9, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 7 – When Kingdoms Collide
May 9, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 7 – When Kingdoms CollideSeries: The Unshakable Kingdom
P A R T 7 :
W H E N K I N G D O M S C O L L I D EWe ought to obey God rather than men. - Acts 5:29The Corona virus crisis is exposing us to a danger deadlier than the disease; the coming collision of the civil government with the Kingdom of God.
Will you know how to handle it? - Mar 14, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 6 – Creating a Culture of Honor
Mar 14, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 6 – Creating a Culture of HonorSeries: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 6 :
C R E A T I N G A C U L T U R E O F H O N O ROutdo one another in showing honor. - Romans 12:10 (ESV)The quality of our Christian life will rise or fall on the question of how we relate to authority and to each other. Do we show honor or not? - Mar 7, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 5 – Kingdom Authority (Part 2)
Mar 7, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 5 – Kingdom Authority (Part 2)Series: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 5 :
K I N G D O M A U T H O R I T Y ( P A R T 2 )Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves. - Romans 13:1-2The quality of your Christian life will rise or fall on the question of how you relate to authority.We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our series on the "Unshakable Kingdom" with Part 2 of the message on "Kingdom Authority". - Feb 28, 2020MAKING ROOM TO RECEIVE
Feb 28, 2020MAKING ROOM TO RECEIVESeries: Individual Messages
I will open the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that that there will not be room enough to receive it. - Malachi 3:10The blockage of the blessings we seek is not in God's ability to pour them out; it is in our ability to receive them. We can only receive as much from God as we are willing to make room for! We hope you can be with us for our special "Breakthrough" service this Friday night to hear Pastor Ray's life-changing message, "Making Room to Receive". - Feb 22, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 4 – Kingdom Authority
Feb 22, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 4 – Kingdom AuthoritySeries: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 4 :K I N G D O M A U T H O R I T Y"In My name they will cast out demons...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." - Mark 16:17-18The earthly ministry of Jesus was a demonstration of how the power of the Kingdom of God is released on earth as it is heaven. And we, too can follow His example when we learn to live under Kingdom authority. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on "The Unshakable Kingdom".
- Feb 15, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 3 – The Incarnation of the Kingdom
Feb 15, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 3 – The Incarnation of the KingdomSeries: The Unshakable Kingdom
P A R T 3 :
T H E I N C A R N A T I O N O F T H E K I N G D O M“The revelation of the Kingdom of God must not be just a verbal revelation—it must be the Word become flesh—we must see it as well as hear it”. - E. Stanley JonesMost Christians know that Jesus Christ came in the flesh so He could die for our sins. But few realize that He also came in the flesh so we could see what the Kingdom of God looks like in action. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on "The Unshakable Kingdom". - Feb 8, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 2 – Kingdom Glasses
Feb 8, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 2 – Kingdom GlassesSeries: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 2 :
“The most pressing need of our age is—maturity. We are very immature people attempting to handle very mature problems. The gap between the maturity of our problems and the immaturity of our persons is the most serious problem on the planet.” - E. Stanley Jones, “Christian Maturity”The immaturity in the Body of Christ can be overcome if we see the world through "Kingdom Glasses". - Feb 1, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 1 – The Red Pill
Feb 1, 2020THE UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM: Part 1 – The Red PillSeries: The Unshakable KingdomP A R T 1 :T H E R E D P I L LUnless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. - John 3:3Jesus didn't say IF you are born again you WILL see the Kingdom. He said UNLESS you are born again you CANNOT see it. Many born-again believers do not yet truly "see" the Kingdom. And that's tragic because it is the most trans-formative revelation in the Bible! We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray begins a major new teaching series on "The Unshakable Kingdom."
- Jan 25, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 4 – Knowing God
Jan 25, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 4 – Knowing GodP A R T 4 :K N O W I N G G O DHe made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel. - Psalm 103:7It's one thing to know what God does. It is a much deeper thing to know who God is. The greatest way to know the will of God is to pursue a deeper, more intimate knowledge of God Himself. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray concludes our series on "The 7 Expressions of the Will of God" with a biblical look at the dispositional will of God.
- Jan 18, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 3 – Discerning the Will of God
Jan 18, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 3 – Discerning the Will of GodP A R T 3 :D I S C E R N I N G T H E W I L L O F G O D“The practical application of doctrinal truths is the life of preaching.” - Matthew HenryAfter 2 messages on the doctrine and theology of "The 7 Expressions of the Will of God", Pastor Ray will continue our series this weekend with the practical steps that enable us to discover God's will for our lives.
- Jan 11, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 2 – The Sovereignty of God
Jan 11, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 2 – The Sovereignty of GodP A R T 2 :T H E S O V E R E I G N T Y O F G O D“Ah, dear reader, there can be no real rest for your poor heart until you learn to see the hand of God in everything." - A.W. PinkWe hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray presents a teaching on the sovereign will of God, answers some objections to the subject, and shows what a comfort it is for those who understand it.
- Jan 4, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 1 – Overview
Jan 4, 2020THE 7 EXPRESSIONS OF THE WILL OF GOD: Part 1 – OverviewP A R T 1 :
“Few concepts in theology generate more confusion than the will of God. The problem we face is rooted in the multifaceted way in which the term functions in biblical expressions.” - R.C. SproulMany of the great questions of life can be resolved if we have a working knowledge of "The 7 Expressions of the Will of God". We hope you can be with us this weekend for some foundational teaching on a much mentioned but frequently understood subject. - Dec 28, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 12 – The Blessed Test
Dec 28, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 12 – The Blessed TestSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 1 2 :
T H E B L E S S E D T E S TBeware that you do not forget the Lord your God…when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; when your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord your God…Excerpt from Deuteronomy 8:11-14The greatest test of our trust in God does not come in times of our poverty but in times of our prosperity. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray concludes our teaching series on "The Purpose of Testing" - Dec 21, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 11 – Life’s Bitter Pool
Dec 21, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 11 – Life’s Bitter PoolSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 1 1 :L I F E ' S B I T T E R P O O LAnd when they came to Marah, they could drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter...Exodus 15:23Some of the greatest tests of the Christian faith come when we drink from life's "bitter pool"; the place where me have to deal with our disappointment. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on "The Purpose of Testing".
- Dec 14, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 10 – Testing in the Wilderness
Dec 14, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 10 – Testing in the WildernessSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 1 0 :
T E S T I N G I N T H E W I L D E R N E S S“No one escapes passing through the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land." - American Poet Annie DillardWe hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on 'The Purpose of Testing' - Dec 7, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 9 – Faith in the Fiery Furnace
Dec 7, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 9 – Faith in the Fiery FurnaceSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 9 :
F A I T H I N T H E F I E R Y F U R N A C E"But there are some Jews—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They refuse to serve your gods and do not worship the gold statue you have set up." - Daniel 3:12A fiery trial of our faith in God is coming; a conflict with the culture over who we will worship. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on "The Purpose of Testing." - Nov 30, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 8 – The Refiner’s Fire
Nov 30, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 8 – The Refiner’s FireSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 8 :T H E R E F I N E R ' S F I R EBehold, the Lord is coming…But who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire…He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. Excerpt from Malachi 1:2-3We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our teaching series on "The Purpose of Testing".
- Nov 23, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 7 – The School of Christ
Nov 23, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 7 – The School of ChristSeries: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 7 :T H E S C H O O L O F C H R I S TTake my yoke upon you, and learn of Me…Matthew 11:29Becoming a Christian automatically enrolls us in the School of Christ, where God uses our tests and trials to reveal Himself to us in ways we can learn in no other way. We hope you can be with us this weekend for Part 7 of Pastor Ray's teaching series on "The Purpose of Testing."
- Nov 16, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 6 – Training for Reigning (Part 2)
Nov 16, 2019THE PURPOSE OF TESTING: Part 6 – Training for Reigning (Part 2)Series: The Purpose of TestingP A R T 6 :
T R A I N I N G F O R R E I G N I N G ( P A R T 2 )To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. - Revelation 3:21God has more in mind than just getting us to heaven; He is preparing us to rule and reign with Christ!