Jul 15, 2017
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 27 – The Lord’s Prayer
Series: The Sermon on the Mount
P A R T 2 7 :
T H E L O R D ' S P R A Y E R
While almost everyone can recite the "Lord's Prayer" word for word, very few realize that the first two words of this famous prayer are the key to unlocking the power of the whole thing.
We hope you can join us this week for a message from Pastor Ray that will revolutionize your prayer life and enrich your relationship with God forever. Come find out what you might have been missing!
- Jul 15, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 27 – The Lord’s Prayer
Jul 15, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 27 – The Lord’s PrayerSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 7 :T H E L O R D ' S P R A Y E RWhile almost everyone can recite the "Lord's Prayer" word for word, very few realize that the first two words of this famous prayer are the key to unlocking the power of the whole thing.We hope you can join us this week for a message from Pastor Ray that will revolutionize your prayer life and enrich your relationship with God forever. Come find out what you might have been missing!
- Jul 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 26 – Magnificent Obsession
Jul 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 26 – Magnificent ObsessionSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 6 :M A G N I F I C E N T O B S E S S I O NWhat does a book written by a retired Lutheran minister in 1929, and 2 Hollywood movies from the book in 1935 and 1954, have in common with Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount preached in 32 A.D.?We hope you can be with us this week for Pastor Ray's inspirational message from Matthew 6, "Magnificent Obsession".
- Jul 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 25 – Dying To Self
Jul 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 25 – Dying To SelfSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 5:D Y I N G T O S E L FThe 3 greatest roadblocks to my living the normal Christian life are "me", "myself" and "I".In this week's teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, we will find out why the overcoming life we long to live in Christ lies on the other side of our death to the demands of a tyrant named "self".
- Jun 24, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 24 – Getting to the Heart of Retaliation
Jun 24, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 24 – Getting to the Heart of RetaliationSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 4 :G E T T I N G T O T H E H E A R T O F R E T A L I A T I O NThe urge to retaliate or strike back at those who offend us comes natural to human beings. But why? Jesus gets to the heart of the matter this week when we consider the spiritual meaning behind such well-known sayings as "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" and Jesus teaching to "turn the other check".
- Jun 17, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 23 – Cross My Heart
Jun 17, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 23 – Cross My HeartSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 3 :C R O S S M Y H E A R TJesus had a lot to say to a culture that can't tell the truth. Don't miss this timely message from the Sermon on the Mount series!
- Jun 10, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 22 – What Jesus Says About Divorce
Jun 10, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 22 – What Jesus Says About DivorceSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 2 :W H A T J E S U S S A Y S A B O U T D I V O R C EJesus' hard line about the sanctity of marriage and the only acceptable grounds for divorce and remarriage offended the Pharisees and flustered His own disciples. How much more of a bombshell will it be for modern ears?We continue in our verse-by-verse study of the Sermon on the Mount with this relevant and much needed message from Matthew 5:31-32.
- Jun 3, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 21 – Unfaithfully Yours
Jun 3, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 21 – Unfaithfully YoursSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 1 :U N F A I T H F U L L Y Y O U R S
You don't want to miss the informative and inspiring message by Larry Tomczak in our series on The Sermon on the Mount entitled "Unfaithfully Yours: Adultery - The Scarlet Letter."
Learn the deception of succumbing, the directions for overcoming and the 25 consequences of adultery Satan doesn't disclose. - May 27, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 20 – Expelling Anger
May 27, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 20 – Expelling AngerSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 0 :E X P E L L I N G A N G E RIt would be hard to find anyone among us who has actually broken God's commandment that says, "Thou shalt not kill". But it would be equally hard to find anyone among us who has not had to deal with the inner attitude of anger, which according to Jesus, is the root of all murder.This week, Pastor Ray will continue our studies from the Sermon on the Mount with an eye-opening look at what Jesus had to say about the problem of anger and how He commands us to deal with it.
- May 20, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 19 – The Spiritual Nature of God’s Law
May 20, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 19 – The Spiritual Nature of God’s LawSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 19 :T H E S P I R I T U A L N A T U R E O F G O D ' S L A WThe Jews of Jesus' day mishandled God's Law and commandments the same way some Christians do to this day; they were caught up in theletter of the Law and misunderstood its spiritualnature.In this week's message, Pastor Ray will introduce one of the most important sections of the Sermon on the Mount, (Matthew 5:21-48), where the Lord Jesus interprets Old Testament Law for New Testament believers.
- May 6, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 18 – Checkpoint Charlie
May 6, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 18 – Checkpoint CharlieSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 8 :C H E C K P O I N T C H A R L I EDuring the Cold War, no one could get out of Communist East Berlin to freedom in West Berlin without passing through "Checkpoint Charlie". You had to have your papers in order to do so.In this week's message, we will see the heavenly version of "Checkpoint Charlie" from Jesus' words, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:20No one can go to heaven with "exceeding" righteousness but do we know what it is?
- Apr 29, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 17 – 5 Things God’s Law Can Do For Christians
Apr 29, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 17 – 5 Things God’s Law Can Do For ChristiansSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 7 :5 T H I N G S G O D ' S L A W C A N D O F O RC H R I S T I A N S
"We know the law is good, if one use it lawfully." - 1 Timothy 1:8
Pastor Ray continues our verse-by-verse study of the Sermon on the Mount this week with a look at the Law and commandments of God and how it all relates to the New Testament believer. Knowing what the Law can do and cannot do is fundamental to your faith. - Apr 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 16 – 3 Things God’s Law Cannot Do
Apr 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 16 – 3 Things God’s Law Cannot DoSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 6 :3 T H I N G S G O D ' S L A W C A N N O T D O"We know the law is good, if one use it lawfully." 1 Timothy 1:8Pastor Ray continues our verse-by-verse study of the Sermon on the Mount this week with a look at the Law and commandments of God and how it all relates to the New Testament believer. Knowing what the Law can do and cannot do is fundamental to your faith.
- Apr 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 16 – 3 Things God’s Law Cannot Do
Apr 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 16 – 3 Things God’s Law Cannot DoP A R T 1 6 :3 T H I N G S G O D ' S L A W C A N N O T D O
"We know the law is good, if one use it lawfully." - 1 Timothy 1:8
Pastor Ray continues our verse-by-verse study of the Sermon on the Mount this week with a look at the Law and commandments of God and how it all relates to the New Testament believer. Knowing what the Law can do and cannot do is fundamental to your faith. - Apr 15, 2017WHO WILL ROLL AWAY THE STONE?
Apr 15, 2017WHO WILL ROLL AWAY THE STONE?Series: Individual MessagesR E S U R R E C T I O N S U N D A Y :P A S T O R C H A R L E S C U R T I S
The stone rolled away and the proof of Christ is God's message to us that no obstacle or problem is too difficult for God. We will be examining the proofs of the claims of Jesus that He would rise from the dead after his crucifixion.
Apr 15, 2017WHO WILL ROLL AWAY THE STONE?R E S U R R E C T I O N S U N D A Y :W H O W I L L R O L L A W A Y T H E S T O N E ?The stone rolled away and the proof of Christ is God's message to us that no obstacle or problem is too difficult for God. We will be examining the proofs of the claims of Jesus that He would rise from the dead after his crucifixion.
- Apr 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 15 – 2 Kinds of Righteousness
Apr 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 15 – 2 Kinds of RighteousnessSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 5 :2 K I N D S O F R I G H T E O U S N E S S"Truly I say to you, unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of God." - Matthew 5:20Only the truly righteous go to heaven. But there is a "counterfeit" kind righteousness that can't get you there. Pastor Ray continues our studies from the Sermon on the Mount this week with a message that is foundational to the Christian gospel. This is something you cannot afford to get wrong.
- Apr 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 14 – How Christ Fulfills The Law
Apr 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 14 – How Christ Fulfills The LawSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 4 :H O W C H R I S T F U L F I L L S T H E L A WJesus said, "Think not that I am come to abolish the law and the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." - Matthew 5:17In this week's message, Pastor Ray shows "How Christ Fulfills The Law" and what it means for the Christian today.
- Mar 25, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 13 – Christ, The Law, and The Christian
Mar 25, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 13 – Christ, The Law, and The ChristianSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 3 :C H R I S T , T H E L A W , A N D T H E C H R I S T I A N
"Do not think I am come to abolish the Law and the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." - Matthew 5:17
If we are saved by grace, what still we have to do with God's Laws and commandments? The answer may surprise you! We continue our verse-by-verse journey through the Sermon on the Mount with a series of teachings that can revolutionize your Christian life and your understanding of the Gospel. - Mar 18, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 12 – You Are The Light Of The World
Mar 18, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 12 – You Are The Light Of The WorldSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 2 :Y O U A R E T H E L I G H T O F T H E W O R L DJesus said, "I am the Light of the world." He also said, "You are the light of the world!" Which is it? Larry Tomczak unpacks this mystery to bring us fresh inspiration and motivation to live an abundant life.
- Mar 11, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 11 – You Are The Salt Of The Earth
Mar 11, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 11 – You Are The Salt Of The EarthSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 1 1 :Y O U A R E T H E S A L T O F T H E E A R T HLarry Tomczak, who serves nationally as a cultural commentator and is the author of 10 books, will speak on the subject, "You Are the Salt of the Earth." Learn the fascinating 5 uses for salt and how they apply to your life and those of Christians in these turbulent times.