Aug 18, 2018
WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 28 – Shopping for God
P A R T  2 8 :
S H O P P I N G  F O R  G O D

"The human heart is is an idol factory. Every one of us from his mother's womb, is an expert on inventing idols." - John Calvin
A critical piece of the puzzle in our real-life "game of thrones" comes with an understanding of the fact that all human beings are wired for religion. Man will have his God; either the true God, or something that sits in His place. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" series!
  • Aug 18, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 28 – Shopping for God
    Aug 18, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 28 – Shopping for God
    P A R T  2 8 :
    S H O P P I N G  F O R  G O D

    "The human heart is is an idol factory. Every one of us from his mother's womb, is an expert on inventing idols." - John Calvin
    A critical piece of the puzzle in our real-life "game of thrones" comes with an understanding of the fact that all human beings are wired for religion. Man will have his God; either the true God, or something that sits in His place. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" series!
  • Aug 11, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 27 – The Pursuit of Truth
    Aug 11, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 27 – The Pursuit of Truth
    P A R T  2 7 :

    T H E  P U R S U I T  O F  T R U T H

    I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth... - Jesus in John 16:13
    "When all is said and done, there is no pursuit in life more worthy than following the truth, wherever it may lead." - Josh McDowell, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict"
    Nothing identifies the true followers of Jesus Christ more than their commitment to a lifelong pursuit of the truth. We hope you can be with us for this compelling message as we continue our series, "War of the Worldviews".
  • Aug 4, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 26 – What Is Truth?
    Aug 4, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 26 – What Is Truth?
    P A R T  2 6 :
    W H A T  I S  T R U T H ?

    (And Jesus said), "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice." (And) Pilate saith unto him, "What is truth?" - John 18:37-38
    At Jesus' trial, Pontius Pilate asks a question that has fascinated the human race since the foundation of the world: "What is truth?" We hope you can be with us this weekend as we continue our study of "The War of the Worldviews" with a message that addresses the answer to that question, and why it matter so much in our day.
  • Jul 28, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 25 – Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do
    Jul 28, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 25 – Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do

    P A R T  2 5 :
    U N D E R S T A N D I N G  T H E  T I M E S   &  K N O W I N G  W H A T  T O  D O 

    The military uses the term "fog of war" to describe the confusion and chaos that soldiers experience in the heat of battle. God's people must deal with the same thing in the "War of the Worldviews." There is so much warfare we hardly know where to shoot! In this week's message, Pastor Ray will be teaching on how to move in the spirit of the children of Issachar and becoming one who understands the times and knows what to do. We hope you can be with us!

  • Jul 21, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 24 – God Versus Socialism (Part 2)
    Jul 21, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 24 – God Versus Socialism (Part 2)
    P A R T  2 4 :

    G O D  V E R S U S  S O C I A L I S M  ( P A R T  2 )

    “The arguments of socialism resound through America like never before, and Christians must discern their persuasive but devious rhetoric and stand firm with a biblical answer. The answers to socialism are ‘the king is not God’ and ‘thou shalt not steal’.” - Dr. Joel McDurmon

    We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" series with a second message on "God Versus Socialism", an expose' of the socialist agenda, who is leading it, and how we can derail it.
  • Jul 21, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 24 – God Versus Socialism (Part 2)
    Jul 21, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 24 – God Versus Socialism (Part 2)
    P A R T  2 4 :
    G O D  V E R S U S  S O C I A L I S M  ( P A R T  2 )
    “The arguments of socialism resound through America like never before, and Christians must discern their persuasive but devious rhetoric and stand firm with a biblical answer. The answers to socialism are ‘the king is not God’ and ‘thou shalt not steal’.” - Dr. Joel McDurmon
    We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" series with a second message on "God Versus Socialism", an expose' of the socialist agenda, who is leading it, and how we can derail it.
  • Jul 14, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 23 – God Versus Socialism (Part 1)
    Jul 14, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 23 – God Versus Socialism (Part 1)
    P A R T  2 3 :

    G O D  V E R S U S  S O C I A L I S M ( P A R T  1 )

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
    One of the deadliest enemies of the Christian biblical worldview is socialism; a political philosophy that strikes at the very heart of the Lordship of Christ and the principles of private property and personal responsibility established in the Law of God. Yet so many of God's people don't know what it is, what it looks like, or why God is against it. We hope you can be with us for part one of a two-part message on "God Versus Socialism."
  • Jul 7, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 22 – A Biblically-Informed Vision for Christian Citizenship
    Jul 7, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 22 – A Biblically-Informed Vision for Christian Citizenship
    P A R T  2 2 :
    A  B I B L I C A L L Y - I N F O R M E D  V I S I O N  F O R   
    C H R I S T I A N  C I T I Z E N S H I P
    In America today, confusion abounds regarding what it means to be an American. The Bible communicates clearly our 5 responsibilities along with the 3 requirements of government. Discover these liberating truths that bring security and stability in these tumultuous times.
  • Jun 30, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 21 – Kingdom Violence
    Jun 30, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 21 – Kingdom Violence
    P A R T  2 1 :

    K I N G D O M  V I O L E N C E

    And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. - Jesus in Matthew 11:12

    We grieve over the increase of violence in our culture. But there is a kind of spiritual violence required of those who want to go deeper with God. We hope you can be with us this weekend for this compelling message from Pastor Ray.
  • Jun 23, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 20 – Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths
    Jun 23, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 20 – Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths
    P A R T  2 0 :

    M Y T H S ,  L I E S ,  A N D  H A L F - T R U T H S

    "You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world." - Matthew 5:13-14
    Faith in these words of Jesus empowered the early church to "Christianize" cultures and disciple nations. But faith in myths, lies, and half-truths has left the modern church sitting on the sidelines while the battle for the soul of our nation rages on. The knowledge of the truth will set us free.
  • Jun 16, 2018POINT MEN
    Jun 16, 2018
    P O I N T  M E N
    Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. - Malachi 4:5-6
    Fathers are God's "point men", called to lead their families and deliver the earth from the curse. And they will! Please join us for this weekend for a special Father's Day message from Pastor Ray.
  • Jun 9, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 19 – Politics and Pulpits
    Jun 9, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 19 – Politics and Pulpits
    P A R T  1 9 :

    P O L I T I C S  A N D  P U L P I T S

    "As goes the pulpit, so goes the pew. As goes the pew, so goes the nation." - Dr. Michael Youssef
    The power of the early American pulpits shaped the nation by providing God's people with a biblical worldview. Yet today, in an hour of great crisis in our civil government, our pulpits are misleading God's people, misreading God's word, and misunderstanding the signs of the times. We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" studies with a compelling message on "Politics and Pulpits."
  • Jun 2, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 18 – Kingdom Politics
    Jun 2, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 18 – Kingdom Politics
    P A R T  1 8 :
    K I N G D O M  P O L I T I C S
    Who takes the blame for the political mess in Washington? Might it lie at the feet of an American Christian church that has largely abdicated its responsibility to advance the Kingdom of God in every sphere of government: family, church and state? Please join us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" studies with a mini-series on "Kingdom Politics".
  • May 26, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 17 – God and Government
    May 26, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 17 – God and Government
    P A R T  1 7 :

    G O D  A N D  G O V E R N M E N T

    “Historically, the term ‘government’ was always qualified in some way, unlike our present-day definitions. The state was seen as only one government among many.”  Gary DeMar
    When American Christians hear the word "government", they automatically think in political terms. This is a sad testimony to the fact that only 19% of American Christians have a biblical worldview. Please join us this weekend as Pastor Ray continues our "War of the Worldviews" series with an eye-opening introduction to the 4 spheres of government that God has ordained to regulate His world and what it means to you!
  • May 19, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 16 – Echoes of Eden (Part 3)
    May 19, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 16 – Echoes of Eden (Part 3)
    P A R T  1 6 :

    E C H O E S  O F  E D E N  ( P A R T   3 )

    "The foundations of the Christian worldview are all laid in the Book of Genesis, specifically in the events described in the first 3 chapters. After that, spiritually speaking, history just repeats itself. The history of the human race proves that our lives are "Echoes of Eden".

  • May 5, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 15 – Echoes of Eden (Part 2)
    May 5, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 15 – Echoes of Eden (Part 2)
    P A R T  1 5 :
    E C H O E S  O F  E D E N  ( P A R T  2 )

    History merely repeats itself...there is nothing new under the sun. - King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9

    The foundation stones of the biblical worldview are set in place in the 1st 3 chapters of Genesis, where we discover the patterns and prototypes that will be repeated, over and over again, throughout human history. Please join us this weekend for a closer look at how world events and the days of our lives are merely "echoes of Eden".
  • Apr 28, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 14 – Echoes of Eden (Part 1)
    Apr 28, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 14 – Echoes of Eden (Part 1)

    P A R T  1 4 :
    E C H O E S  O F  E D E N  ( P A R T  1 )

    History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Sometimes people say, "Here is something new!" But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new. - Ecclesiastes 1:9-11

    All the foundation stones of the biblical worldview are laid in the Book of Genesis and many are found in the events in the Garden of Eden. In this week's message, Pastor Ray will show how the events of human history are really only "Echoes of Eden" and what it all means us in our everyday lives.
  • Apr 21, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 13 – Christ and the Gadarenes
    Apr 21, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 13 – Christ and the Gadarenes
    P A R T  1 3 :
    C H R I S T  A N D  T H E  G A D A R E N E S

    You many have heard many sermons of the Lord's amazing deliverance of the madman of Gadara from a legion of demons. But you may have missed the even more amazing result. Please be with us this weekend for Pastor Ray's message about what happens when the power of Christ confronts a culture that prefers their swine over their Savior.
  • Apr 14, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 12 – Solution to the State of Affairs
    Apr 14, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 12 – Solution to the State of Affairs
    P A R T  1 2 :
    S O L U T I O N  T O  T H E  S T A T E  O F  A F F A I R S

    "Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Play it real pretty." - Martin Luther King Kr. (Last words)

    Larry and Doris Tomczak return from their 42nd wedding anniversary getaway to launch the “Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” initiative being rolled out nationwide to encourage, empower and equip us in sharing our faith enjoyably, confidently and effectively. Invite a family member or friend for this special presentation!
  • Apr 7, 2018WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 11 – Radical Christianity
    Apr 7, 2018
    WAR OF THE WORLDVIEWS: Part 11 – Radical Christianity
    P A R T  11 :

    R A D I C A L  C H R I S T I A N I T Y

    "Lukewarm people call radical what Jesus expects from all His followers." - Pastor Francis Chan

    The terms "radical" or to become "radicalized" usually carry a negative context these days. On the other hand, it will require a radical commitment to Christ and the authority of the His Word to win the "War of the Worldviews" raging in American culture today. Properly understood, all "real" Christianity is "radical" Christianity.