Jul 2, 2016
THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 3 – Reconnecting with Our Roots
P A R T  3 :
R E C O N N E C T I N G  W I T H  O U R  R O O T S

In the same way the slavers of Alex Haley's novel disconnected the Africans from their "Roots", so the devil seeks to keep God's people enslaved by separating us from the faith of our fathers.

Pastor Ray concludes this teaching series with how the Church can reclaim the culture for Christ by reconnecting with the radical faith of our fathers and the kind of discipleship that turns the world upside down.

  • Jul 2, 2016THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 3 – Reconnecting with Our Roots
    Jul 2, 2016
    THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 3 – Reconnecting with Our Roots
    P A R T  3 :
    R E C O N N E C T I N G  W I T H  O U R  R O O T S

    In the same way the slavers of Alex Haley's novel disconnected the Africans from their "Roots", so the devil seeks to keep God's people enslaved by separating us from the faith of our fathers.

    Pastor Ray concludes this teaching series with how the Church can reclaim the culture for Christ by reconnecting with the radical faith of our fathers and the kind of discipleship that turns the world upside down.

  • Jun 25, 2016THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 2 – Dealing with Doubt
    Jun 25, 2016
    THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 2 – Dealing with Doubt
    P A R T  2 :
    D E A L I N G  W I T H  D O U B T
    The Bible tells us that Abraham is the "father of all them that believe," who are those who "walk in the steps" of his faith.  In his 2nd message, Pastor Ray reveals an eye-opening view of what the true Christian life really looks like.  
    It may cause you to re-imagine your personal walk with the Lord and how you can help others seeking to follow Jesus!
  • Jun 18, 2016THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 1 – The Father of All Who Believe
    Jun 18, 2016
    THE DISCIPLESHIP OF ABRAHAM: Part 1 – The Father of All Who Believe
    P A R T  1 :
    T H E  F A T H E R  O F  A L L  W H O  B E L I E V E
    In his Father's Day weekend message, Pastor Ray shows why Abraham is called "the father of all them that believe," and how God uses his life as a model for all who are called to "walk in the footsteps" of his faith. (See Romans 4:11-12).
    You may be surprised to learn how closely his journey foreshadows Jesus' call to the 12...and to YOU!