Sep 3, 2016
SHADOWS OF THE CROSS: Part 2 – The Curious Case Of The Rich Young Ruler
P A R T  2 :
T H E  C U R I O U S  C A S E  O F  T H E  R I C H  Y O U N G  
The Gospels of Matthew and Mark include the account of Jesus' interaction with a seemingly well qualified seeker of eternal life. The Master's response is curious, even counter-cultural to how we present the terms of discipleship today.
  • Sep 3, 2016SHADOWS OF THE CROSS: Part 2 – The Curious Case Of The Rich Young Ruler
    Sep 3, 2016
    SHADOWS OF THE CROSS: Part 2 – The Curious Case Of The Rich Young Ruler
    P A R T  2 :
    T H E  C U R I O U S  C A S E  O F  T H E  R I C H  Y O U N G  
    R U L E R
    The Gospels of Matthew and Mark include the account of Jesus' interaction with a seemingly well qualified seeker of eternal life. The Master's response is curious, even counter-cultural to how we present the terms of discipleship today.
  • Aug 27, 2016SHADOWS OF THE CROSS: Part 1 – The Doorway To Discipleship
    Aug 27, 2016
    SHADOWS OF THE CROSS: Part 1 – The Doorway To Discipleship
    P A R T  1 :
    T H E  D O O R W A Y  T O  D I S C I P L E S H I P
    You probably know that Jesus died to deliver you from your sins. You may not know that He also died to deliver you from your 'self'.