Aug 20, 2016
RECAPTURING AUTHENTIC APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: Part 2 – 10 Characteristics Of Biblical Friendship
By: Larry Tomczak
P A R T 2 :
1 0 C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F B I B L I C A L
Genuine friendship is a gift from God. It is the foundation of a strong marriage and New Testament church. What are the 10 biblical characteristics of friendship and how do we experience it as part of our culture today?
- Aug 20, 2016RECAPTURING AUTHENTIC APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: Part 2 – 10 Characteristics Of Biblical Friendship
Aug 20, 2016RECAPTURING AUTHENTIC APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: Part 2 – 10 Characteristics Of Biblical FriendshipBy: Larry TomczakP A R T 2 :1 0 C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F B I B L I C A LF R I E N D S H I PGenuine friendship is a gift from God. It is the foundation of a strong marriage and New Testament church. What are the 10 biblical characteristics of friendship and how do we experience it as part of our culture today?
- Jun 11, 2016RECAPTURING AUTHENTIC APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: Part 1 – The Structure Of The Church Is Relationships
Jun 11, 2016RECAPTURING AUTHENTIC APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: Part 1 – The Structure Of The Church Is RelationshipsBy: Larry TomczakP A R T 1 :T H E S T R U C T U R E O F T H E C H U R C H I SR E L A T I O N S H I P SAuthentic new testament Christianity is not meeting to attend but a life to be shared. It is community of imperfect people learning to live a new life in a new way to the glory of God.