Nov 4, 2017
Series: Individual Messages
H O N O R :
T H E F O R G O T T E N , R A R E J E W E L I N C H R I S T I A N I T Y T O D A Y
Our culture today is tragically characterized by dishonor, division, and discourtesy. God wants to restore in the local church a "culture of honor" declaring and demonstrating a counter-cultural witness that provokes onlookers to the healthy and holy alternative of the Kingdom of God.
Returning with Doris from the Intercessors for America annual board meeting in Washington DC, Larry Tomczak will bring fresh inspiration and biblical instruction on this critical theme today.
Nov 4, 2017HONOR: THE FORGOTTEN, RARE JEWEL IN CHRISTIANITY TODAYSeries: Individual MessagesH O N O R :T H E F O R G O T T E N , R A R E J E W E L I N C H R I S T I A N I T Y T O D A YOur culture today is tragically characterized by dishonor, division, and discourtesy. God wants to restore in the local church a "culture of honor" declaring and demonstrating a counter-cultural witness that provokes onlookers to the healthy and holy alternative of the Kingdom of God.Returning with Doris from the Intercessors for America annual board meeting in Washington DC, Larry Tomczak will bring fresh inspiration and biblical instruction on this critical theme today.
- Oct 28, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 41 – The Narrow Way
Oct 28, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 41 – The Narrow WaySeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 4 1 :T H E N A R R O W W A Y"If you find it easy to be a Christian, you probably aren't one."- Matt WalshJesus pulled no punches when He described what the "normal Christian life" will look like. So why do we?
- Oct 21, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 40 – The Narrow Gate
Oct 21, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 40 – The Narrow GateSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 4 0 :
T H E N A R R O W G A T E"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. " - Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)"If you find it easy to be a Christian, you probably aren't one." - Matt WalshJesus tells us that our eternity will be determined by one of 2 choices: the "narrow gate" that leads to life or the "broad gate" that leads to destruction, and that "many" will be lost and "few" will be saved. We hope you can be with us for this week's compelling message that exposes the false gospel being preached today that offers an easy way to heaven and a comfortable path along the way.This is one you will want your friends to hear! - Oct 14, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 39 – The Golden Rule
Oct 14, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 39 – The Golden RuleSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 9 :
Often quoted but more often ignored, Jesus' prescription for a blessed life sums up the Old Testament in 13 words! Join us this weekend for Pastor Ray's message on "The Golden Rule". - Oct 7, 2017WHAT IS LOVE?
Oct 7, 2017WHAT IS LOVE?Series: Individual MessagesW H A T I S L O V E ?French artist Marcel Duchamp said "There is something like an explosion in the meaning of certain words."The word love is certainly one of those words. Although it is often misunderstood and abused both in the church and in society at large, love is clearly defined in the bible and it is something that can be lived out every day.Children's pastor Kyle Rucker brings us the word this week with a very timely and powerful message!
- Sep 30, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 38 – 4 Principles Jesus Gave 4 Success
Sep 30, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 38 – 4 Principles Jesus Gave 4 SuccessSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 8 :4 P R I N C I P L E S J E S U S G A V E 4 S U C C E S SComing around the homestretch in this magnificent masterpiece message, Jesus makes sure we're presented the four principles that enable us to be successful for the glory of God. Do you know what they are?Don't miss this Saturday as Larry Tomczak, fresh from ministry in the capital of Canada, opens God's treasure chest for us!
- Sep 23, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 37 – Judgment Without Judgmentalism
Sep 23, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 37 – Judgment Without JudgmentalismSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 7 :J U D G M E N T W I T H O U T J U D G M E N T A L I S MIn Matthew 7:1, Jesus commands that we "Judge not". In John 7:24, He commands us to "Judge righteous judgment". Our Lord was not confused. There is no contradiction here, just much misunderstanding about the difference between judging righteous judgment and the terrible sin of judgmentalism. Every Christian needs to know the difference.Pastor Ray will be sharing the message, "Judgment on Judgmentalism" Saturday at 5 p.m. Celebration Church meets at Oak Hill Assembly of God, 5200 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220. We invite you to join us!
- Sep 16, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 36 – Judge Not!
Sep 16, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 36 – Judge Not!Series: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 6 :
J U D G E N O T !
Jesus said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". And it is the most misunderstood command in the Bible. The world is quoting it to the church to shame us into silence. The church is quoting it to itself to make sure we are politically correct. What a mess.Please join us this week for Pastor Ray's compelling message about what Jesus meant, (and what He did not mean), when He gave us this amazing commandment. This message is so relevant to our modern times that it would be a good one to invite your friends and neighbors to come and hear! - Sep 9, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 35 – Thou Shalt Not Worry
Sep 9, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 35 – Thou Shalt Not WorrySeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 5 :
Worry, anxiety and fear are powerful forces that rob us of our peace and distract us from our focus on God and His Kingdom. But victory is available!
- Sep 2, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 34 – Treasure In Heaven
Sep 2, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 34 – Treasure In HeavenSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 4 :T R E A S U R E I N H E A V E NWhat did Jesus mean when He commanded us to lay up "treasure" in heaven, not on earth?Find out this week in Pastor Ray's powerful and practical message, "The Value System of the Kingdom".
- Aug 26, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 33 – Rediscovering Fasting
Aug 26, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 33 – Rediscovering FastingSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 3 :R E D I S C O V E R I N G F A S T I N GUnderstanding fasting as presented in scripture can either be a distasteful or delightful experience! Jesus spoke of a "bridal fast" that brings breakthrough and answers to long-standing prayers.Discover the keys and enter into this often misunderstood part of the normal Christian life tomorrow!
- Aug 19, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 32 – The Power of Forgiveness
Aug 19, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 32 – The Power of ForgivenessSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 2 :T H E P O W E R O F F O R G I V E N E S SC.S. Lewis once said, "We all agree that forgiveness is a wonderful idea, until we have to practice it."In this week's message, "The Power of Forgiveness", Pastor Ray will show how forgiveness is more than a wonderful idea, it is a requirement of the normal Christian life.
- Aug 12, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 31 – Our Daily Bread
Aug 12, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 31 – Our Daily BreadSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 1 :O U R D A I L Y B R E A D
Asking God to "Give us this day our daily bread" has to be one of the most familiar prayer requests in human history. But so few who pray this prayer have a full understanding of what Jesus had in mind when He taught it!
We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray presents some fresh prophetic insight on what it means to ask the Father for "Our Daily Bread". - Aug 5, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 30 – Thy Kingdom Come
Aug 5, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 30 – Thy Kingdom ComeSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 3 0 :T H Y K I N G D O M C O M EWhat is the most important subject in the Bible?
What is #1 on God's agenda for planet Earth?
What was the main message of John the Baptist?
What was the subject of Jesus' first sermon?
What does the Lord tell us to pray for first in all our prayers?
The answer to all of the above is: The Kingdom of God!So why is it so many of God's people haven't got a clue? We hope you can join us this weekend for Pastor Ray's provocative message, "Thy Kingdom Come", and find out why this one thing changes every thing. - Jul 29, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 29 – How To Pray and Get What You Pray For
Jul 29, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 29 – How To Pray and Get What You Pray ForSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 9 :H O W T O P R A Y A N D G E T W H A T Y O U P R A Y F O R"Prayer changes things?"Actually it is believing prayer that changes things! This Saturday evening's message, "How to Pray and Get What You Pray For" conveys the five principles of effective prayer that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Be there!
- Jul 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 28 – The Fatherhood of God
Jul 22, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 28 – The Fatherhood of GodSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 8 :T H E F A T H E R H O O D O F G O DDerek Prince, one of the greatest Bible teachers of the last generation, once pointed out that "It is the Fatherhood of God that makes Christianity different from all other religions". How right he was. Yet how often do we fail to see Jesus' emphasis on the importance of truly knowing God as Father?We hope you can be with us this week as Pastor Ray continues our studies in the Sermon on the Mount with an inspirational message on what it means to be a child of God the Father.
- Jul 15, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 27 – The Lord’s Prayer
Jul 15, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 27 – The Lord’s PrayerSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 7 :T H E L O R D ' S P R A Y E RWhile almost everyone can recite the "Lord's Prayer" word for word, very few realize that the first two words of this famous prayer are the key to unlocking the power of the whole thing.We hope you can join us this week for a message from Pastor Ray that will revolutionize your prayer life and enrich your relationship with God forever. Come find out what you might have been missing!
- Jul 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 26 – Magnificent Obsession
Jul 8, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 26 – Magnificent ObsessionSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 6 :M A G N I F I C E N T O B S E S S I O NWhat does a book written by a retired Lutheran minister in 1929, and 2 Hollywood movies from the book in 1935 and 1954, have in common with Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount preached in 32 A.D.?We hope you can be with us this week for Pastor Ray's inspirational message from Matthew 6, "Magnificent Obsession".
- Jul 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 25 – Dying To Self
Jul 1, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 25 – Dying To SelfSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 5:D Y I N G T O S E L FThe 3 greatest roadblocks to my living the normal Christian life are "me", "myself" and "I".In this week's teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, we will find out why the overcoming life we long to live in Christ lies on the other side of our death to the demands of a tyrant named "self".
- Jun 24, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 24 – Getting to the Heart of Retaliation
Jun 24, 2017THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Part 24 – Getting to the Heart of RetaliationSeries: The Sermon on the MountP A R T 2 4 :G E T T I N G T O T H E H E A R T O F R E T A L I A T I O NThe urge to retaliate or strike back at those who offend us comes natural to human beings. But why? Jesus gets to the heart of the matter this week when we consider the spiritual meaning behind such well-known sayings as "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" and Jesus teaching to "turn the other check".